Hapunan follows the story of Niko, a balut vendor whose routine effort to secure a business permit takes an unexpected turn. What starts as a simple task quickly becomes a dangerous pursuit of truth, forcing Niko to confront a hidden side of his community. As players explore familiar yet unsettling locations, they will encounter obstacles that require both caution and resourcefulness. Each step forward reveals new layers of the mystery surrounding the Barangay Captain and his influence, making every decision crucial to Niko's survival. Immersive Exploration and Puzzles
Set in a world inspired by Filipino culture, the game offers an interactive experience that blends suspense with detailed environments and compelling storytelling. Players will explore the barangay’s streets, government offices, and hidden areas, uncovering clues that connect to the larger narrative. Puzzles and resource management play a key role, requiring strategic thinking to overcome challenges and advance through the story. The interactions with various characters will further shape Niko’s understanding of the forces working against him.
Decisions That Define the Outcome
Throughout the game, players must make choices that will impact Niko’s future and the people around him. Balancing the need for information with the risk of exposure becomes a central challenge, as trust is scarce and danger is always present. Every action taken influences how the story unfolds, leading to multiple possible outcomes. With time running out, Niko must rely on his instincts and the player's decisions to uncover the truth while protecting what matters most.